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These articles are our gift to family caregivers. We understand the challenges you face and are here to support you 24/7.

Make the most of visiting

If the person you care for has advanced dementia, visiting him or her may feel very challenging. After all, how do you connect with a person who is unable to converse? You may wonder if it is even worthwhile to visit. Research suggests that during late-stage dementia, a person’s core self remains. Much like in…


Nail care

Nails are important because they protect the delicate tips of our fingers and toes. They are much like hair: new growth is happening constantly. Nails grow in layers, below the surface of the skin. By the time you see them emerging from the base where the “moon” is, the nail cells themselves have died. (That…


Ability to make health care decisions

The right to choose for oneself is deeply embedded in our culture. It is one of those inalienable rights of adulthood. The courts are very cautious about infringing on that right. You don’t want to be disrespectful, either. And yet you may notice changes in your relative’s judgment that have you concerned. For instance, can…