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These articles are our gift to family caregivers. We understand the challenges you face and are here to support you 24/7.

Walking your way out of the hospital

“The bed is not your friend.” This is the overall message concerning the benefits of walking when hospitalized. In one study, patients who walked frequently were able to go home an average of 36 hours earlier than those who did not walk very much. After staying in bed for just two days, an older adult…


What does “prognosis” mean?

It’s natural to wonder how bad a serious condition is. Will treatment be effective? The prediction of recovery, in medical terms, is called a “prognosis.” Many conditions are difficult to predict. Cancers, on the other hand, run a fairly expectable course. A cancer prognosis, for instance, depends on the cancer. What type of cancer is it?…


Who will care for Fido?

Pets often become members of the family. They provide companionship and love, especially for an ailing elder. Your relative may be worried about a pet’s future when he or she is no longer able to provide care. Consider what you can do to make arrangements ahead of time to ease that worry. Formal arrangements Formal…