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These articles are our gift to family caregivers. We understand the challenges you face and are here to support you 24/7.

Heart attack warning signs

Heart attack warning signs

In honor of American Heart Month, we take a look at the symptoms of a heart attack. Some of them are not well known and differ between men and women. Understanding the warning signs can save lives.

Fire escape planning for older adults

Fire escape planning for older adults

With National Burn Awareness Week in February, it’s a good time to focus on fire safety. Is there a fire escape plan for the older adults in your life? Preparing for an emergency can save lives.

The obstacles of pride and privacy

The obstacles of pride and privacy

Sometimes a loved one refuses help because it’s painful for their self-image or their pride. Sometimes it’s because they feel they will lose their privacy, perhaps be judged by the person helping. There are ways to address each of these very real barriers.