Family Caregiver Blog

At Solace Palliative Care, we understand the pressures you are under as a family caregiver. This blog is designed to support you in the incredibly important work that you do.

As the Maricopa County experts in family caregiving, we have resources, tips and information that can make your life much easier.

If you would like help, give us a call at: 602-795-2357.

2019 Medicare improvements

Here’s some good news to start the year! In 2019, we’ll see improvements in coverage across the major Medicare plans. About two-thirds of people on Medicare use “original Medicare.” Patients with original Medicare can go to any health care provider that accepts Medicare. Original Medicare pays for 80% of costs after a yearly deductible. The…

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How to discourage wandering

It is natural to fear that a loved one with dementia may wander. Indeed, 60% of people with Alzheimer’s do get restless and head out the door. As a family member, you can’t be watchful every minute. But you can take steps to reduce the chance of wandering. The many triggers for wandering include anxiety,…

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The power of sleep

When your schedule gets tight, is sleep one of the first things to go? According to the experts, that’s all too common. And it makes about as much sense as deciding to do without food, air, or water. Sleep is that essential. Most adults need 6 to 8 hours of sleep per night. Sleep promotes…

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A new year reflection

After the hubbub of the holidays and in the darkest nights at year’s end, nature seems to beckon us to reflect. Rather than make a resolution about exercise or diet, consider looking at your approach to family caregiving and personal qualities you might nurture to become more resilient in this role. Psychologist Rick Hanson, PhD,…

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Preventing Burnout

Burnout is more than stress. And it isn’t just undesirable. It’s a risky condition. The consequences of burnout include emotional depletion, often leading to depression; reduced resistance to common illnesses, such as colds and flu; increased likelihood of a chronic disease, such as heart disease or diabetes; lack of energy to do what is necessary for…

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Gifts for Older Adults

What to get for the “chronologically gifted?” The age-friendly ideas below address the special interests or concerns of persons in their later years. Providing an experience. Don’t add to household clutter—give an activity! This way, you give the fun of anticipation as well as countless hours of enjoyment afterwards, remembering. Ideally, arrange the gift as…

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Exercise and COPD: an oxymoron?

Does Mom say she feels too weak to exercise? Does Dad run out of breath just walking down the street? People dealing with COPD often believe that exercise will make things worse. Actually, in moderation, quite the opposite is true. Very real benefits. Even people with severe COPD can become more physical. Something as simple…

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Savoring good experiences

Sharing happy experiences, like sharing a good meal, warms and strengthens friendships and family bonds. There are other benefits to savoring positive experiences. Even in the privacy of your own thoughts, reflecting on pleasant memories is an easy and effective way to increase your overall happiness. Hard wired to focus on the negative Have you…

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When your parent drinks too much

Alcohol is a sensitive subject. Consider asking your parent’s doctor or a respected friend to initially bring up the subject. Tell them the reasons for your concern: slurred speech, unexplained falls or bruises. Be specific in your examples. Your parent will have less face to save with a trusted friend or professional than with their…

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Late-life veterans’ issues

If the person you care for is a combat veteran, you may not have heard much about those experiences. You are not alone. In generations past, veterans made it a point to put the war behind them and “forget.” But things can take a dramatic turn in later life. As they face the challenges of…

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